Recursos & Juguetes Educativos en español (59)
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  • BUNDLE de libros y tarejtas para práctica de trazos | Aprendiendo a Trazar - Creating for peques
    BUNDLE of books and cards for trace practice | Learning to Trace
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      practice your writing  Develop your fine motor skills Improve your spelling Increases your attention span Promotes their hand-eye coordination Reinforces their learning of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and figures Looking for fun and practical ways to teach your...

  • Actividad de Siluetas de Alimentos para Rasgado | Tearing Food Activity (Español) - Creating for peques
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    ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH Strengthens fine motor skills  Develops hand strength Encourages hand-eye coordination improves accuracy Promotes dialogue on food Are you looking for a fun and practical way to strengthen your little one's fine motor skills, whether at...

  • ACTIVIDAD DEL CORAZÓN | VOCALES (IMPRIMIBLE) (Español) - Creating for peques
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    ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISHAs a dedicated mom or teacher, you're always looking for fun and educational ways to stimulate your little ones. And now, you have found the perfect solution: our heart activities. Imagine the...

  • Summer Activities | Summer Activities
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    Develops fine and thick motor skills Practice the numbers Train the memory It provokes creativity and artistic expression Improves concentration Encourages tactile sensory development Promotes relaxation Stimulates hand-eye coordination Learn concepts and practice vocabulary Strengthens...

  • ANILLOS PARA LANZAR - Creating for peques
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    Imagine a sunny summer afternoon in the yard or in the park, where you find yourself looking for fun activities to enjoy with your little one. At that moment, you discover the rings to throw,...

  • Animal Tower - Creating for peques
    Animal Tower
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    Fomenta el desarrollo motor fino al construir y ensamblar las piezas de madera, mejorando la coordinación mano-ojo y la destreza manual de tu peque. Estimula el juego imaginativo al permitir que tu peque construya diferentes...

  • ARENA MÁGICA (Set de 3) | JUGUETE SENSORIAL - Creating for peques
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    Discover a magical world of fun with our sand set! This sensory toy will not only surprise your little one, but also provide benefits for their development. Imagine the scene: your child is going through...

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    Benefits of activity: M It further its capacity for concentration and attention by following instructions to color or create with plasticine within the silhouettes. Learning the alphabet and recognition of letters because by working with...

  • Back to School Bundle
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    Reduces anxiety caused by changes Learn concepts and practice vocabulary Develops fine motor skills Strengthens visual discrimination Provides security It provokes creativity and artistic expression Help in the process of transitions Anticipate changes and routine...

  • Bamboo Nesting Hedgehog - Creating for peques
    Bamboo Nesting Hedgehog
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    Fomenta el desarrollo motor fino al apilar y ensamblar las piezas del erizo, mejorando la coordinación mano-ojo y la destreza manual de tu peque. Estimula el juego imaginativo al permitir que tu peque cree diferentes...

  • Bamboo Nesting Snail - Creating for peques
    Bamboo Nesting Snail
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    Fomenta el desarrollo motor fino al apilar y ensamblar las piezas del caracol, mejorando la coordinación mano-ojo y la destreza manual de tu peque. Estimula el juego imaginativo al permitir que tu peque cree diferentes...

  • Bear Push Toy - Creating for peques
    Bear Push Toy
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    Fomenta el desarrollo físico al animar a los niños a empujar y arrastrar el juguete, promoviendo el equilibrio, las habilidades motoras y la coordinación mano-ojo. Estimula la curiosidad y el aprendizaje práctico al observar cómo...

  • Beginner Puzzles - Dinos - Creating for peques
    Beginner Puzzles - Dinos
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    Causes troubleshooting By requiring the kids to think logically and strategically to fit the pieces together and form a complete image. Develops motor skills By manipulating and fitting the puzzle pieces. Also, when performing precise...

  • Beginner Puzzles - Pets - Creating for peques
    Beginner Puzzles - Pets
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    Provoca la resolución de problemas al alentar a tu peque a pensar lógicamente para encajar las piezas de los rompecabezas de animales y formar la imagen completa.   Desarrolla habilidades motoras al manipular y encajar las...

  • BOLAS SENSORIALES PARA BEBÉS (SET DE 6) - Creating for peques
    BABY SENSORY BALLS (set of 6)
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    Explore now and keep your little one entertained! Benefits of playing with sensory balls  Develops fine and gross motor skills  Promotes tactile sensory development Stimulates eye-hand coordination Help with teething Improves coordination and balance Example to use it:...

  • 2 Libros para práctica de escritura de letras mayúsculas y minúsculas | Aprendiendo a Trazar Mayúsculas y Minúsculas - Creating for peques
    2 Books for Writing Uppercase and Lowercase Letters | Learning to Plot Case and Case Plot
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    Practice your writing Develops fine motor skills Improve your spelling Increases attention span Promotes hand-eye coordination Strengthens uppercase and lowercase letters Have you faced the difficulty of keeping your little one interesad@ in writing? As...

  • Bingo de Navidad (IMPRIMIBLE) (Español) - Creating for peques
    Christmas Bingo (PRINTABLE) (Spanish)
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    ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISHChristmas bingo benefits:  Help image recognition Stimulates tolerance for frustration  Promotes dialogue about Christmas Encourages vocabulary growth  Causes increased attention Example to use it: Bingo can be used as a family activity where they...

  • Bingo de navidad (PR) (IMPRIMIBLE) (Español) - Creating for peques
    Christmas Bingo (PR) (PRINTABLE) (Spanish)
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    ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISHChristmas bingo benefits: Help image recognition Stimulates tolerance for frustration  Promotes dialogue about Christmas in Puerto Rico Promotes vocabulary growth Causes increased attention Example to use it: Bingo can be used as a family activity...

  • Bunny Push Toy - Creating for peques
    Bunny Push Toy
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    Estimula el desarrollo físico al empujar y arrastrar el conejito, promoviendo el equilibrio, la coordinación mano-ojo y la conciencia espacial. Introduce conceptos básicos de física al permitir que los niños descubran la causa y el...

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    Benefits of playing with this musical toy: Encourages musical skills Develops motor skills  Create the sense of rhythm  Optimize concentration  Stimulates the sense of hearingDiscover the energetic and joyful sounds of Cage Bells!Awaken your baby's...

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